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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's hot

in Sacramento. 105 degrees and I'm waiting outside my office to have furniture moved. I see a group of kids playing in the many sprinklers that are spouting off at the park across the street.

It sure looks invitinig.  I got lucky with my cell phone camera. Look at water reflecting the sun rays. Pretty cool,  huh?

After moving things around, it was lunch time.  I've missed my greens.  I made a quick salad of spinach, walnuts, feta and an over riped peach.  Hit the spot.

Since moving my afternoon office, I'm pretty far removed from the main campus and student center. Having a mini fridge in my office will help me from eating out of the vending machines.

The director returned from the Inter-American program in Guatemala and brought me  this wonderful little gift. It's a Nativity scene. I've wanted one of these for the longest.  How did he know?

Look at babyJesus and the Los Reyes Magos (3 Wise Men) dressed in Guatemalan cloth. I love it.  I am not a good "gift giver." I have no clue as to what to give a person whether it be for birthdays or just a thank you gift like above.  

I nearly jumped out of my chair when professor unwrapped each piece displaying them on my desk.

Well, better get back to work. Just wanted to share my day with you.  How's the weather in your  neck of the woods?

1 comment:

  1. That nativity is ADORABLE!

    Yay to not being near the vending machines. We don't have any at my job...and that's a good thing most days!
