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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I want to blog but I don't know what to say these days. I so want my life back prior to finding out about the C.  Then I thought... you had it paula when you hiked, jogged, biked and walked.  You just didn't know.

For the most part, I stay positive. I place my trust in God.   I am not asking for easy... just the strength to get through. I know he will lift me up. He has for every other challenge in my life.  I remind myself that I am right where I am suppose to be. That there are lessons to be learned and there is a higher purpose that God will reveal to me at some point in time.  In the meantime, I tell self: "Patience paula... Patience!  This too shall pass."

And it shall.  In the meantime, I think writing a few upbeat, positive notes around the house will help to keep me grounded.  Discouragement is the devil's most valuable tool and he's not gonna use it on me because I  have the Lord and he is mightier and more powerful.

If you have a scripture or positive verse that you would like to share, I would certainly love to hear it.  My friend shared, ""If you think you're going through hell... Just keep going."  That one made me smile...

Do you have a verse that you rely on in challenging times?  Will you share?

Enough of that---

It's election night and I think I'll visit my son at work.  He's working on a local campaign.  I hope they win. He really believes strongly on his candidate. It's in my old disrict so I'm off.

Thanks for reading. 


  1. Hang on tight to your faith, God will not abandon you! {{hugs}}

  2. You are in my thoughts and prayers and positivity can only be good for you so maintain it as much as you can.

    My favourite saying that makes me smile and get through the dark days is from a dear Australian friend...

    "Tomorrow morning the sun will rise again. If it doesn't, you will have bigger problems than right now to worry about."

  3. P.S. I wanted to tell you I read every post and want to comment to send you encouraging words but its hard to do the word verificaiton from my phone and I am not often at a real computer, so please hang in there and if you are not getting comments - know that we are still reading!

  4. "Behold I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth." Jeremiah 33:6
    The Lord gave me this scripture when I was going through one of the toughest trials of my life. And true to His word, He is bringing healing, still today.

    Praying for you!!

  5. I've been getting bits and pieces and now put it all together. I am sorry to hear of this setback, but your mission should still be the same. Work on the health of your body now, during the procedures, recovery, and thereafter. You have amazing support from your family, friends and cyber friends. I am here for you, para siempre!

  6. Dios mio Paula! I haven't been reading blogs lately but you have been strongly in my mind the last 3 days and coming here and catching up on all that I've missed has left me without the proper words. You're in my prayers. You have the strength as well as the right state of mind in keeping in touch with your faith. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anyone. Love and warm thoughts to you amiga <3

  7. Thinking of and praying for you today, Paula. He is ALL you need and He is right there with you. Amen.
