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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hi friends, how is the weather? It's a little chilly in Sacramento, but the sun is out.

I am recouping nicely from my surgery. However, my ass is killing me from laying around. Just taking it one day with the goal of eating healthy and resting.

Still do not have the pathologist report back so i don!t know if the sky is falling or not but my goal is to stay positive and enjoy every day blessings.

Today, my sister Rachel is visiting and i will show her how to make Caldo de Cameron. Yesterday, i taught my daughter how to make Posole Verde. As you can see, i find cooking therapeutic.

I will try to share pics of our cooking adventures. In the meantime, i want to thank all for your emails and prayers. Keep the prayers coming, please.

Later, gators.



  1. Glad to know you are recouperating. Thinking of you and hoping all clear on pathology. Suerte!

  2. So glad to hear! Prayers are continuing!!

  3. Thanks for keeping us updated. Hugs and prayers to you.
