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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Expect the Best

Hi friends.  How's your Sunday?

My Sunday started with 2 scrambled eggs with salsa and coffee.  Then it was time to dress for church.  At my church, I have many  long-time friends who attend, and they do not know about my recent double mastectomy.

Let's just say that I have to think carefully about what I am going to wear so it's not noticeable. I will be fitted for a prosthesis in December so in the meantime, it's all about choosing the right clothing. I loathe shopping but alas, I think I need to bite the bullet.

Speaking of biting the bullet, I decided to cut off my hair before starting chemo.  I was not looking forward to this but with Daniel's encouragement, we drove Super Cuts. I asked for a book to see short hair styles and well, does it really matter what I choose at this point?

That said, I just chose a short style and sat in the chair.  I wanted to cry but then recalled Pastor's  words of  "Expect the Best" and I decided to embraced it.  I thought "Darn, just when I got my color and highlights just right."  Then told self "None of that paula... "

Smile paula... 

Surprisingly, it gets easier and I'm actually looking forward to seeing the final result.

Drum roll please.... Can you believe this is the shortest my hair has ever been?

At least my highlights are still visible and I'm saving money on a touch up.

Expecting the Best certainly helps when you're confronted with a difficult task.

As I look in the mirror, I feel different but the same. I guess "C" has a way of doing that to you.  One day I'm walking 7 miles and running an obstacle course with my daughters. Feeling on top of the world.  Suddenly, you find yourself in a completely different place and suddenly, what was, isn't.  But you know what?  It's okay.  You cope. You manage and if you ask God, He gives you strength and peace.  That's how I'm able to smile in this picture. I'm expecting the best.

I've always said PWC was more about the journey to a more healthier life.  Not so much about the scale... I think it still can be. Life throws us these curb balls and we need to adapt and adjust.  Sometimes it's outwardly and sometimes it's inward...

Mind, Body and Soul... who knew they all played an integral part of a healthier and more fitter you.

So instead of increasing my physical stamina, let's just say I'm working on my spiritual and mental stamina.  Yes, they're all connected.

So tell me, what kind of ear rings should I buy? I'm thinking I need to dress up them ears?


  1. I've had hair at every length. My preference is short and sassy. I think with the right cut short hair really showcases your best features. The shorter bangs really brings out your eyes and your beautifully shaped mouth. Goodness, I hope that doesn't sound too strange. LOL

    Of course, you need a pair of big bold earrings!

    and yes.
    sparkly and dynamic earrings---like you are.

  3. Paula, your hair looks great - it shows off your cheekbones. I'd suggest sparkly dangly earrings, or large hoop earrings would look fantastic too.
