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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Allow yourself to be a beginner

Hi friends, how's your week going?  I'm on week two of our BRIK session at Kaia Fit.  I do believe I'm getting stronger with each class.  Monday and Tuesday we did lots of burpees and push ups.   My arms are still on fire.  Sometimes, I feel silly taking these classes. After all, I 'm no spring chicken. I have to remind myself that I'm 51 years old.  I get competitive. I want to do as good as the person next to me. I forget they're younger and stronger.  I find myself looking at some of the women who are my age. I compare myself. I want to do better than they... Can you relate? 

It's okay to be a beginner. I don't have to knock each exercise out of the park. Hell, I'm ahead of the game just by making class.

This session at Kaia is called BRIK. It's a 6 weeks course.  Each week we turn in our food journals. My coach's comments were helpful. She gave me suggestions and commented on my fiber, sugar and protein intake. Having someone carefully review your food is extremely helpful. I'm thinking twice before I put anything in my mouth.  Again, I'm competitive. I want to do well.

This week we are doing a 7 day CLEANSE.  No processed foods, sugar, carbs, and alcohol.  Let me just say that not having flavored creamer in my coffee has taken the joy out of my morning ritual. But I am glad to say that Day 4 of no sugar hasn't been so bad. Today I actually enjoyed my coffee with a splash of soy milk. Removing sugar from my morning coffee has certainly reduced my need for food. I've heard others say the same thing, but it's something one needs to experience for themselves.  I'll continue to nix the sugar, carbs and processed foods in the weeks to come. Wish me luck okay?  Very curious to see how my body reacts in the weeks to come.

I  haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks.  I don't see many changes in my body physically and it's deflating to work so hard and not see fast results... I think I've sort of given up on losing weight... I keep telling self STRONG IS THE NEW SKINNY.

Maybe my body just likes 180 lbs.... or maybe i"ll see results a year from now.  We shall see, right?

Well friends. I gotta run. Hope your day is going well.

Later, gators.

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