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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ever notice how when you move outside your comfort zone, you feel alive?

Hola, how's it going?

Can I just share that I am so sore that I can barely lift myself off the toilet? Wanna know why?  I joined a 5 week boot camp session that meets 3 days a week. It's all woman and all levels.

We are paired up with another woman and we do DRILLS.  When I saw some of the stuff that we would be doing, I immediately thought "damn, I'm too old for this, what am I thinking?"  Well, I have done two classes and I survived.

What an awesome feeling knowing you pushed the envelope.  I worked out with my daughter and I did not want to slow  her down so I pushed. I did luges, squats, sit ups, used a kettle bell, jumped and tonight, I think we're going to push a big ol tire.

I joined this 5 week boot camp hoping it will help me with losing the 10-15 pounds needed for my breast reconstruction surgery.  I started out at 190 and today, I weigh 178 lbs.  It's hard to eat at 1200-1300 calories.

As part of the boot camp commitment, I have given up sugar. Why is it when something is  prohibitive, you just want it more?

I hope I can share pictures with you all in the coming weeks. I'm so excited.  Ever notice how when you move outside your comfort zone, you feel alive?

Well, that's how I feel.

I'll be back soon. Hope you're having an awesome day. Gotta suit up for my 3rd session.



  1. Sounds awesome. I'm working hard to get outside of my comfort zone. Thanks for the reminder. And may you work hard to be person who never gives up.

  2. I am so flippin' proud of you! YEAH!!!!!!! :)
