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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Getting "A"s

You remember in school. You wanted an A.  Never wanted a B, C or an F.  Somehow that feeling has spilled over into adulthood.

For instance, I've been doing a job for about 13 years. There was an opportunity to take on a more prominent role in an area. I was scared. Didn't quite understand but asked questions. Planned and then executed.  I got it slightly wrong.  Slightly.  I didn't get that A :-(

I am at the gym. The workout calls for 10 Burpees with Pull-up.  I've yet to do a Burpee correctly, and don't get me started about pull-ups. My coach comes to me "at least you're trying."  Ugh.. TRY? There is no Try, only Do.  Again, I didn't get an "A".

I don't like not getting it right. Trying. I'm always freaking Trying.  Can't I just knock it out of the park, just once?

Sorry but we all want As.  We just do. 

Okay. Time to move on.


I am looking for new blogs to read.  I would really love to read about other woman in their 50s who are living active lifestyles and cooking amazing yet simple food.  Can you recommend any?  I wish I had more time to be THAT BLOG... There I go again, wanting A's. LOL.


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