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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

i hate the scale even though it was nice to me

today,  The scale is so fickle.  I find that there is no ryme nor reason to the reading.  For the last month, I've been in a funk. My eating has been okay but not great and I've exerted minimal effort in the workout departments.  Zumba 3 times a week hardly feels like a real workout these days. I can't believe I'm saying that but it's true.  This morning, I got on the scale and it read 171 lbs.  How the hell did I go from 175 to 171 in a week?

I'm in a GREY AREA right now.  I call it GREY because it's attitude related. For the last year, my exercise would include yoga, zumba, jogging and walking--6 times a week.  What was my reward? Nada... the scale would not move.  I find myself looking at pizza and bread and thing "eat it. it's not like the scale is moving." Bad place to be mentally.  Then today, the scale loves me.  I don't deserve scale love. Not really...

Instead of walking or exercising at  noon. I'm at the computer... my "good habits" are shifting. This morning, I asked Daniel to take a full body picture. Nothing has changed. Stomache still protrudes. Arms hideous. I know.I know. I shouldn't be hard on myself....

All I know is my attitude means more to me than the scale.  I'd much rather be in the place where I was last year instead of where I am right now. I can't quite put this feeling into words but I'm sure if you're reading this and struggle with weight loss or non weigh loss,  you might be able to relate.  It's sort of what I was talking about last week when I said "I miss me."

It's a struggle to fight that inner voice that says "read blogs vs. lift weights at lunch."  I'm looking forward to finding my way back... Do any of you feel me?


  1. I have a love/hate relationship with the scale too but I find overall it keeps me accountable. Our body doesn't always cooperate exactly the way we want it to but I feel like if it's downward trend, it's fine.

    I can relate to how you feel about wishing to feel like last year more. I feel slightly "ugh" about myself at the moment.

  2. Uuhhh . . . YES!

    I am feeling the same way. And to and insult, I got a cold; just when I got back to working out with lifting weights. It is in my chest, so I shouldn't work out. I hope those feelings change for you soon. You are amazing and I am proud of all the efforts you make.

    Buena suerte.

  3. Habits, why are the bad ones so hard to shake, the good ones so hard to keep. Wish I had an answer, I would be sure to share. I do know that I have had my successes and failures with my weight lose journey. And attitude is an issue. But you are so in touch with where you are right now, you can describe so vividly what you are feeling, and you are not making any excuses - just the facts... This honesty has to be what will help you find your way back. I always go back to my WHY - Why did I start to take control of my habits, WHY did I want to lose weight, WHY do I want to exercise, my Get Healthy, Loss Weight Why. Eventually, it seems concentrating on those whys, gets me back to the place I want to be.
    Thanks for sharing your struggles, hope I can encourage you, to be true to your Why

    that is 100% me and cardio.
    a choice and a struggle.


  5. I miss reading your blog, Paula :)
    Thank you for that lovely message you left on my blog! I don't know what to say about this post except: keep living your healthiest life. Even if the weight takes a while, the exercise and eating well will do marvelous things for you.
